A great summer adventure is learned about by word or mouth, Facebook friends, web articles or maybe even a magazine or newspaper.
The Skagit River Power Tour
is one of those great summer adventures I remember as a kid. First starting in Newhalem and then visiting the Gorge Powerhouse to see how hydroelectric power is made this is a wonderful family friendly trip. My favorite part was a river trip which I’m not sure they do anymore. From the tour, the stroll across the dam and the meal, this great summer adventure is one to add to your schedule this year. The guides are charming and so knowledgeable about the natural history and geology of the North Cascades that learning is not a chore.
If you take this tour we would love to hear about your trip. If you have other favorite tours or a great summer adventure you love, let us know and we’ll check that out as well.
Kit and the MLM Team